Title - ハイスクール・オーラバスター
REUNION-0 空葬の章
Release - 08/10 2012
Product No.- HABR-001
Price - *販売元及び販売形態により異なります
REUNION-0 空葬の章

▼ 商品取り扱いサイト

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01 voice - the prophets
voice guest: 岩永哲哉 (里見十九郎 役)
02 PV曲 Music Video
Crimson of Butterfly - 空夜coo:ya edit
Music & Arrangement: 本田海月
Lyric: K.INOJO
03 voice - omega
voice guest: 岩永哲哉 (里見十九郎 役)
04 END OF SILENCE - 空夜coo:ya edit
Music & Arrangement: 本田海月
Lyric: 藤谷直季, 若木未生
05 voice - the rebellion
voice guest: 岩永哲哉 (里見十九郎 役)
06 SILENT EYES - 空夜coo:ya secret edit
Music & Arrangement: 本田海月
Lyric: 若木未生

Attention: Music by Coo:ya can be downloaded from the iTunes Store, although it may not be available in some countries. Please enter the URL below into your browser, replacing "xxx" with the name of your country of residence. -> iTunes in the Cloud availability

https://itunes.apple.com/xxx/album/sound-track-highschool-aurabuster/id588946329 -> Copy

Example: For the USA

ご注意下さい! iTunes Storeで販売されるのは楽曲及びミュージックビデオのみとなります。里見十九郎(声:岩永哲哉)ボイスはCD版『REUNION-0 空葬の章』でおたのしみ下さい。尚、配信版『SILENT EYES』につきましても、ボイスパートの含まれない『SILENT EYES - 空夜coo:ya edit』となり、CD版『SILENT EYES - 空夜coo:ya secret edit』とは異なりますので、ご了承の上お買い求め下さい。

REUNION-0 スペシャルコンテンツ


A psychic romance action story by "HIGHSCHOOL AURABUSTER" author, Mio Wakagi. First published in the Shueisha Cobalt Collection in 1989 passionate fans have turned it into a hit selling over 5,000,000 copies. In 1999 it received an original Anime adaptation. From 1993 on, Yasuyuki Honda (currently known as Kurage Honda), music and mixed media producer, contributed his individual talents. The fusion of unique musicianship and story-telling gave this work long lasting appeal. The current series will be moving to Tokuma Novels where its final chapter is currently in publication.

As requested by the author, the songs written over ten years ago by "REUNION-0" Yasuyuki Honda for "HIGHSCHOOL AURABUSTER" will by covered by coo:ya. Popular voice actor Tetsuya Iwanaga will also be participating. Don't miss the opportunity to experience coo:ya in a totally different musical world!

アリスブックス様にてお買い上げいただくと、先着順で“REUNION-0特製 空夜coo:yaポストカード”をプレゼント致しております。充分な数をご用意致しておりますが、なくなり次第終了となります。ご希望の方はお早めにお求め下さい。

Alice Books is now able to ship merchandise overseas.

As a special gift for the first customers to order, we will include a special-edition coo:ya postcard in each package. (While supplies last.)

Please see the following page for instructions on how to order:

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